Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter and April Showers...

It's already the middle of April! Where in the world does time go? This year seems to be FLYING by! I had the privilege of participating in my church's Easter play "The Healer". It was one of the most powerful performances of the life of Jesus I have ever seen. God really did some amazing things through it. I know this cause He did so in my life. Each night I felt like God was speaking to me. I'm pretty sad it's over.

I met up with mom, dad, Destinee and the Adams' for lunch on Easter Sunday. It was nice to have every one (well, almost everyone) together. I have been craving the family time. It was short due to the matinee performance of The Healer, but mom and dad and matt and tonya came to watch, so I got to talk to them again. Then it was back to my house for "Friends Night". I cooked an Easter dinner since most of my friends weren't able to go home. It's the first time I have ever done a full holiday meal. We feasted on ham, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese and green beans. Andrew made dessert- brownies cooked with Reese's inside of them with ice cream sundae toppings to go with them. It was YUM-O!

I guess the storms have really been the issue the last week or so. I have spent more time in the stairwell at work the last several days. Thankfully, I have my i-pod and a few short movies on it. Lisa and I were cutting out coupons a few days ago while we were there. People laugh as we wheel our chairs with our bags in them. I am so thankful for God's protection over my house. I have been trying to park my car under trees, light poles, etc. hopeful that something will fall on it. It never happens. Things fall all around it, but never on my car. I don't even have a hint of hail damage! Either my car has 9 lives or God really wants me to keep this car. :) haha...

I went to Chattanooga today with Katie and her friend Megan. It was so nice to have a girls day. We went to the 4 Bridges Art Show. There were some pretty interesting pieces of art there. I enjoyed it. I also got to eat at my favorite place- Sticky Fingers and drive through Temple's campus. I forgot how quiet it was on Saturdays. I totally reminisced the whole time. It made me miss the good old days and my friends. Everyone's lives are so busy and we are scattered all over the country. The fountain had no water in it. I wonder how many times it has been sudded this year. I loved the year when the ENTIRE 5th floor snuck out at our End of Year party each with a container of laundry detergent and the year when they had to shut down Bailey Ave because there were suds floating down the street. hehehe... oh the good ol' days! Or how about the time Mrs. B took the girl RA's out to Steak and Shake after curfew and we came back to find one of the girls on my floor sneaking out the window of our TV room??? Talk about being BUSTED!!! Those days had to leave us sometime, but boy am I thankful for the memories. My years at Tennessee Temple University will never be forgotten. I have had amazing roommates, was given opportunities I could have only dreamed about and was taught things that I will never, ever forget. As much as I miss those days, I am thankful for the times that I have now, in Huntsville, with my family, friends and church life. God has been so good to me.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for cooking your first big holiday meal. I am proud of you and I bet you did a great job.
    Are the storms passing yet? I am glad that you, your house and car are all safe and unharmed.
    There were lots of good times at TTU. Was Mrs. Birkhead great about planning RA times out? Sooo fun! I do have lots of good memories too, however, I would not trade it for this season of my life for anything!
    Love ya and miss ya.
