Monday, May 18, 2009

God Moments

It's been awhile since I have posted. The title of my blog has become more fitting than even I thought. haha...
God has been doing so much in my life lately that I just thought that I would take some time and share it with everyone.
My mom asked me to speak at a ladies meeting several months ago. The meeting kept getting postponed, so it wasn't until Thursday, May 14, that I spoke. I think God had things keep getting in the way for a purpose now. Some of you know that my biological sister found me on Facebook recently. It shook me up for a little while, but have really had a great opportunity to get to know her and we are building quite a friendship. Well, since all that had happened, mom asked me to share it as a testimony at the meeting. The whole day of the meeting Satan kept attacking me and filling me with the thoughts of "Why would anyone want to hear that story? Others are going through far worse than you." Mom and I had multiple discussions about it that afternoon. I was so not expecting what happened that night. After I gave my testimony, one of Mara's friends that was visiting the church that night came up to me. She said, "I just wanted you to know that I gave a child up for adoption when I was 17. I have been wondering about him and the family he went to ever since. You have given me such comfort and I feel better about him and his life now." WOW!!! Never in a million years was I expecting to hear that! God is so good! If I went through that whole situation just to help that woman, than I really feel like it was worth it.
Tonight, I was at the gym walking the track and the song "I Don't Want to Go" by Avalon came on my Ipod. The chorus says, "I don't want to go somewhere if I know that You're not there, cause I know that me without you is a lie." That is something that I have been really challenged on lately. I have been in a situation for several weeks now. The end result is something that I really want and have wanted since God laid it on my heart on April 1, 2002. However, I don't want it right now if God doesn't want me to have it right now. I want it in the timing that He wants it to be in and in the exact place and position He wants it to be in. God is good and has given me a complete peace about the whole thing no matter which way it goes.
So, I have also been reading the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chin. A friend of mine is reading it and she blogged about it and sounded like something I really needed to read. I have only made it through a chapter and a half, but it is AWESOME!!!! It's really challenging me and I LOVE that! I'll blog more about it when I finish it.
I realize this blog is kind of vague, but I'm sure I'll be able to elaborate more later. I just got really excited today and wanted to share the God moments that I have had this week, and this was the best that I could do. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl. Saw your status and though I would drop in and see how you were.
    This is incredible.
    Crazy Love is an amazing book. I read it like 6 months ago or so and it was an amazing book and made me realize how much God really did love me and just how beautiful and amazing he really was.
