Friday, January 30, 2009

The end of birthday month...

The end of birthday month is always sad for me. I don't know why, but I just love the whole month of my birthday. My house has been decorated with cards, cupcake towels and other random birthday paraphenalia. I'll have to put up the birthday pajamas too. *sigh* I love birthday month.
Anyway, I won't drone on about that anymore. This has been quite a week or so... I have been carefully scouting out TV's all month. Anyone who has been to my house to watch tv knows that people look awfully sickly. It was struck by lightning many years ago and it left an ugly "scar" in the top left corner. I am happy to report that I have made my first electronic purchase without the help of my dad. I did send him links to seek advice, but I found it and bought it all on my own! I also purchased an icemaker for my fridge. We all know I am totally not capable of putting an icemaker in the fridge. Thank God for good friends who are willing to help me out (even if it is for selfish reasons- who knew ice was so important?). He even set my tv up for me! YAY!
I got to spend Wednesday evening with my best friend Rebekah and her family. I drove out to New Hope to see her and let her pluck my eyebrows. I got to play with Abigail and hold Olivia. After staying and eating a yummy dinner, I headed to the Walmart in Hampton Cove to buy groceries for Thursday nights dinner at my house. After purchasing my groceries, I headed out the door where I proceeded to set off the alarm. After determining that it was not my groceries or the camera, ipod, mp3 player or any of the other electronices in my purse, it was decided it must be the Taylor Swift cd case that was in my purse. The man at the front was pretty harsh and asked me if I had a reciept. I told him I bought that cd months ago and that the cd wasn't even in the case (thank goodness I had left it in Kimberly's car). He wouldn't let me leave. I waited about 20 minutes before security let me go. Apparently when you buy a cd, you have to take apart the inside and take the security tag off the paper part. I think this is just too much hassle, so I don't think I will be buying very many cd's from Walmart. Boy am I grateful for i-tunes.
We didn't have small groups this week, so I invited everyone over to my house for dinner and a movie. It ended up being me, Brad and Roxanne. I made spaghetti and we all sat around the table and ate and talked. It's been a really long time since I have done that. Then we sat down and watched Mamma Mia! It is my new favorite movie. I laughed, I cried, I laughed some more. The best part for me is always the singing and dancing. I watched it twice that night. I even stopped making cookies to watch. That NEVER happens! I downloaded the sound track and played it all the way to work. Poor Lisa had to hear me randomly singing the songs at my desk.
It was Girl's Night Out at Whitesburg this evening. I love having the chance to get together and meet other girls. Being in a church as large as WBC, its hard to meet people outside of your Life Group. Tonight was a great opportunity for me to scrapbook with fellow scrapbookers and make some new friends. I had a great time and am REALLY looking forward to the next Ladies activity which I think is the women's retreat.
Tomorrow (Sat) holds our annual birthday dinner. I probably shouldn't say annual cause we have really done a bad job at going out EVERY year, but we are trying again. Rebekah, Kimberly and I all have birthdays in the same month. When we were younger, we would have separate parties, but now that we are older, we like to just spend that time together. So, its dinner at PF Changs for us! I am super excited about it. I love that place.
I'm off to eat Disney Princess Spaghetti O's (at least it has a full serving of vegetables) and watch my hush-hush show. :) Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you have a blog. I love reading about what you have been up to. You sound like you are busy and having lots of fun.
    That stinks about the security issue at Walmart. Gr! It's annoying and embarrassing.
    Update again soon! Love ya!
